Posted by & filed under Design Center, Landscape.

Hot vivid colors like red, yellow and orange can be very appealing in the landscape.



Rose, prince william county

Knock Out Rose

The hot color palette can be expanded to include vibrant purples or intense blues.



I especially love orange flowers in my garden beds.  Some great plants for orange color are Cosmos, Daylilies and Butterfly Weed to name a few.  Cosmos are easy to grow from seed and typically will reseed themselves year to year.

Cosmos in Prince William County


Native daylily

Native Orange Daylily

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed

We have Butterfly Weed growing in our display and have mentioned previously that it is a host plant for the Monarch Butterfly.

Design center, prince william county, butterfly weed

Butterfly Weed

Orange looks fantastic with its complimentary color blue, the opposite color on the color wheel. Contrasting colors if used properly can be wonderful in the garden.

CosmosAnother useful orange flower is the Blanket Flower, with its hues of reds and yellows, it gives the overall illusion that it is orange.  And, some varieties actually do come in orange.

Gaillardia aristata

Blanket Flower, Arizona Sun

Brightly colored blooms tend to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden.


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